Tuesday 10 May 2011

Tutorial One

The purpose of my first post is to focus on finding out what is meant by information technology, looking at the pros and cons of this and  the ethical issues that arise around the use of technology. Information technology can be defined as “Information technology (IT) is the acquisition, processing, storage and dissemination of vocal, pictorial, textual and numerical information by a microelectronics-based combination of computing and telecommunications” (Information Technology n.d.). Personally I interpret it as the process of using technology to expand and simplify the aspects of the world we live in. I myself am a user of information technology for both convenience and pleasure for things such as internet banking and social networking. Ethics can be described as “a branch of philosophy which seeks to address questions about morality; that is, about concepts such as good and bad, right and wrong, justice, and virtue” ("Ethics" para 1, n.d.). Communication technology is more concerned with the communications side of technology such as telecommunications. To me I understand information communications to be technology in which people use to communicate with each other such as telephones and cell phones.

It has become extremely common place in first world society to have a life in which we are extremely dependant on information technology as a way of sourcing information, doing our work, communication with others and for entertainment. It has become the norm to possess things such as a cell phone, laptop, YouTube account, email and Facebook account among an array of other things. This YouTube clip gives a small taste of the rate information technology is growing. It illustrates the rate at which technology is increasing and provides statistics on the prevalence of technology using specific examples.

I personally feel quite comfortable using a cell phone, computer, telephone and the internet but only at a very basic level. If a cell phone, computer or internet site has too many steps or applications I tend to get overwhelmed and give up purely due to the fact that my knowledge and interest base with information technology is quite limited.

Information technology is a growing fashion in OT practice as there are so many more opportunities and convenience which comes with it. Along with this meaningful occupations have changed substantially and things that may have interested people twenty years ago may be very different now. The use of technology has now allowed OT’s of offer enabling equipment which is allowing patients to do far more than they have been able to in the past. Not only does it offer equipment for physically impaired individuals it also offers things such as blogs and chat rooms for people to seek support from their own homes when they are socially isolated. This however, can also cause potential problems as it can offer a place for individual’s to feed off others with similar problems to them. For example a group for anorexic or suicidal individuals may be used as a sight to offer each other hints on how to get away with not eating or a place to talk about different methods of suicide. I can see IT becoming u useful tool in OT for example the use if keyboard or mice activations for carrying out particular tasks. Things such as cell phones may be used as reminders to do things or communication systems such a Skype or video calling may be used for interviews.
A personal example I have is from my first placement. The members of the
multi disciplinary team would have their weekly meetings where client progress would be discussed. The information would be documented and out up for members to look back on or if anyone had missed the meeting to see. They also would use cell phones and email to communicate with other members of the team.
The use of IT will be good for convenience and time management as it will cut out things such as travel times and offer opportunities to people whom otherwise may not have been able to particular tasks without the assistance of particular technologies.  A good example of one thing that is often used is voice activated command systems this link provides a good example of an individual using a voice activated head unit to communicate through the phone.  This enables individuals who are cognitively capable to engage in occupations they may not have been able to had this technology not been available.
Although it can be a good thing it can also be the opposite. People whom are functionally able may be offered such things and therefore jeopardise their functional ability It will reduce the personal relationships that OT’s are known for and which are generally important to OT’s.

A range of possible implications can arise from the capturing, sharing and transferring of information via IT devices such a mobiles, internet, and street cameras. There is no stopping someone from taking and posting pictures of individuals on the street. The problem with this is the individual has not given consent to the posting of that particular information, whether it be something as simple as being in a particular place at a particular time. The individual reserves the right to have that information disclosed and this can have implications for the person whom has breached their informed consent.

Intellectual property can be described as a set of exclusive rights which are held by an individual whom has assets which cannot be brought for example musical, artistic and intellectual ability (Intellectual Property, n.d.). This is a concept often used in occupational therapy where occupational therapist will come up with adaptations for particular activities in order to enable an individual to carry out particular tasks.

Social justice is the idea of creating a society which is inclusive and of which each individual in that society is equal and has equal rights ("Social Justice", n.d.). This is again a common concept used in OT as a core belief of OT’s is that everyone is equal and should have equal opportunities to be involved in meaningful occupations.

Informed consent is consent obtained from an individual to disclose their personal information for example written, verbal ("Informed Consent", n.d.). When informed consent is obtained can be described as an individual’s clear understanding of possible implications or consequences of a particular action and the acceptance of those possibilities. This may be used in occupational therapy when a therapist may video or record a particular assessment so they can look back on it to grasp a better understanding of the clients abilities. Before recording the OT must obtain informed consent from the client to uphold the law and rights of the client


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