Tuesday 10 May 2011

Tutorial five

YouTube is a website where any users can upload and share their own videos as well as watching others. You will find videos of pretty much anything from “The drunkest guy ever” to the latest music from your favourite artist. It allows people to get their information out there and can for some provide an opportunity to develop a career. It is a free service and any one with the internet can access the videos on it and if you have an account you can upload videos of your choice.

On my first placement I was introduced to what is known as sensory modulation room. These rooms are used to stimulate senses and create a reaction in patients which will benefit them therapeutically. It is used for a range of individuals with lots of different impairments working specifically on specific senses, dependant on the individual. I was specifically working with mental health aiming at de- escalation or prevention but this is also an area used largely to work with children with developmental impairments. It is said that the stimulation and interaction of the senses can largely improve functioning and de- escalate stressful situations. Below are some examples of different kinds of sensory rooms and equipments.

This video is a quick run down on how sensory rooms work to improve functioning in individuals with some kind of developmental delay...

This is an example of a Snoezelen room

This is another Snoezelen room

This link will take you to a page which will tell you how to set up your own Snoezelen room...

Here is a link to a site which explains what a weighted blanket is therapeutically used for- on my placement we had these in our sensory room and it was used by patients who were feeling anxious. It was amazing to see the almost instant de-escalation of their mood.

1 comment:

  1. Really interesting stuff here Rhiann, something I have never been exposed to. Well done :)
